​​Equine Assisted Coaching
Equine Massage
Equine Assisted Coaching is the interaction with horses to assist with mental and physical well-being, personal development, and confidence. Horses communicate clearly through their bodies and their energy. They do not judge. They are a true partner in helping us overcome personal or professional obstacles.
Please check out my website above or email me at healingheartbeatsthruhoofbeats@gmail.com

Equine Massage
Equine Massage
Therapeutic Equine Massage is being used to enhance muscle tone, increase range of motion, increase mental clarity required to focus for training, and relieve stress and tension. It can also improve the horses' circulation which can lead to faster healing of injuries.
A once/month maintenance massage is suggested.
Jolene - 763-913-9020
(Owner of H.O.P.E. Stables is certified)
*75/Hr. - Includes full body
(Essential oils included in fee)
*Additional driving fee applied if horse is not at H.O.P.E ($0.50 mile)